Chen Hsin-an started for Long Beach Jam for the third straight game in the 132-126 loss to Las Vegas Rattlers. Chen was scoreless but gradually finding his groove back after sitting out most of the game after going to U.S. and switching teams from the defuncted Orange County Crush to the Long Beach Jam.
Chen's record in the ABA so far:
*Orange County Crush
Jan.9 OC Crush 127-114 LB Jam...4 min, 0 FG, 0 point
*Long Beach Jam (Started all three games he has played in so far)
Jan. 24 LB Jam 84-98 Ontario Warriors...13 min, 4-9 FG, 9p
Jan. 28 LB Jam 139-114 Tijuana Dragons...12 min, 4-8 FG, 12p+2rb+1a+1s
Jan. 29 LB Jam 126-132 Las Vegas Rattlers...11 min, 0-3 FG, 0p+1a